Process analytics with the viadee Process Warehouse
Once you have taken first steps in process management and business process automation, you may want to analyze and optimize your running processes. With the viadee Process Warehouse we created an innovative Open Source solution for this purpose.
Process management und optimization of automated business processes
The BPM lifecycle describes four fundamental phases of business process management – modeling, execution, analysis and optimization of processes. Modern process engines enable automated process execution and provide analysts with a very useful set of execution log data. While broad tool support is already available for modeling and executing processes, there are currently no solutions for a process-oriented analysis of the log data. Thus, potentially valuable data remains unused and potentials for optimization are not leveraged. The viadee Process Warehouse wants to close this gap.
Drawbacks of traditional data analysis concepts
While executing business processes, process engines collect detailed event logs. These logs contain information about what is actually happening inside process instances and therefore provide a very useful data set for process analysts. Processing the collected log data with traditional data warehouse systems seems like an obvious answer. However, these systems are not able to interpret BPMN models which means that a direct reference to the process is lost. Consequently, metrics have to be defined on a low level of abstraction (e.g. based on process element IDs). This approach requires analysts to manually identify critical parts of the process model and adapt ETL processes accordingly for new process versions. Not only does this require a high maintenance effort, but potentials for optimization remain undiscovered.
viadee’s approach: Analysis in the context of the process model
The viadee Process Warehouse (vPW) allows the definition and visualization of process metrics directly on the process model. In combination with intelligent filters (e.g. on process elements, process variables or time spans) the vPW enables analysts to answer complex process-related questions and reduces the aforementioned maintenance effort. The idea behind the vPW is to provide an analytical BI perspective on process log data by processing the data in near real time. This implies that process metrics don’t have to be defined in advance in the process-modeling phase. Instead, an explorative and intuitive analysis in the third phase of the BPM lifecycle is possible. The metrics are visualized directly on the process model so that the BPM lifecycle can be completed without losing the context of the process in the analysis phase.
Key goals of the viadee Process Warehouse
- High-level definition of process metrics
- Visualizations directly on the process-model diagram
- Analytical BI perspective on processes
- Computation of metrics in near real time
- Process Intelligence: control of live metrics on running process instances
- Integration with the Enterprise Data Warehouse
Benedikt Uckat
Tel: +49 221 7 888 07 0